How to deal with a Low Mood

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Majority of people will experience ups and downs in their mood at some point; but if low mood begins to affect your life, there is support available to you. Low mood could be feeling sad, anxious, empty, or experiencing low self-esteem/confidence. This could affect you in different ways; from your personal life to your apprenticeship and working life.

Support is available from Baltic and externally to help if you feel it’s needed.

My Possible Self:

The My Possible Self app is NHS approved and has a wealth of resources around manging everyday emotions, as well as feelings related to low mood.

External resources

Our Safeguarding team have a wealth of external resources for managing feelings of low mood:


Samaritans – or 116 123

Practical advice:

Make time to look after yourself; taking care of your physical health and finding time for things you enjoy.

Try talking to family, friends or someone you trust about how you are feeling.

Going to the doctor could feel like a big step but if you are struggling with how you are feeling, your GP can help you find support available in your area.

Safeguarding team:

If you feel like you do need additional support at any point during your apprenticeship for any type of issues including mental health, please reach out to the Safeguarding team for support and advice.

Email –

Phone – 01325 638142

WhatsApp/Text – 07714 765475 

Further resources:

Looking after your Mental Health: Support & Resources for Apprentices –