Skills Bootcamps

Skills Bootcamps are ideal for those who cannot commit to up to 23 months of learning. Learners gain critical skills – without the extensive time commitment required by longer courses or apprenticeship programmes.

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I’m looking to upskill & develop



We work alongside the Department for Education to provide nationwide opportunities to adults (19+) in England that are interested in improving their skillset. We offer three supercharged Skills Bootcamps: IT Support Skills Bootcamp, Digital Marketing Skills Bootcamp, and Data Skills Accelerator Bootcamp.

Our two-week, Government-supported courses combine specialist training and personal support to deliver in-demand skills. Participants do not need any previous knowledge of the respective industry; our only request is that they have a willingness to learn.

The best part? Our Skills Bootcamps are free for individual participants looking to develop their own skills, and almost entirely funded for employers who want to develop their team’s skills. SMEs are required to contribute 10% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs, and large organisations are required to contribute 30% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs.


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Skills Bootcamps were co-created with employers in response to the UK’s skills gap. We develop the skills your business really needs, to help you create a skilled workforce and drive company growth.

Young woman adjusting her digital camera prepare for record video content to her channel.

Cost Effective

We know that workforce development is an investment with significant long-term benefits, but we also know that businesses need to stick to relevant budgets to stay profitable.

Skills Bootcamps are generally more cost-effective than traditional training programmes, as they are supported by the Government. Employers only contribute a percentage of the overall Skills Bootcamp cost; SMEs contribute 10% and large organisations contribute 30%.

Our Skills Bootcamps are delivered online, meaning your team member can take part from the comfort of their own home. You will save on employee expenses (such as travel or accommodation) while they still receive the same valuable training.


Skilled Workforce

The tech industry moves at a rapid pace, and knowledge and skills can swiftly become outdated. With the continuous introduction of new applications, systems, and tools, industry best practices change regularly.

Skills Bootcamps combat this and allow your employees to acquire new knowledge and skills relevant to their job roles. Developing your team’s skillset ensures your company can grow and adapt to new industry changes, and leads to a more skilled workforce capable of handling a wider range of tasks and responsibilities.

Level 3 Data Essentials Hero

Increase Productivity

It is no secret that employees are more productive when they receive appropriate training, as the training equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to perform their job effectively.

Enrolling your team on a Skills Bootcamp will equip them with additional skills and training guaranteed to enhance their efficiency and productivity. They can apply their newfound knowledge to work-related projects immediately, resulting in a higher quality of work.


Improve Retention

Developing and upskilling your team’s skills significantly increases your overall employee retention. In a recent study, LinkedIn reported that 94% of employees said they would stay at a company longer if the company invested in their professional development.

When you present opportunities for growth and development, you demonstrate a commitment to your team’s professional advancement and overall career satisfaction. As a result, your employees will feel valued and motivated to stay within your company.


Our Skills Bootcamps are for adults (19+) living in England with an interest in developing their skillset. The courses are designed for people looking to develop skills and apply them to their working life. They are perfect for employees looking to take on a new role, develop in their current role, take on new responsibilities within the relevant subject matter, or just generally develop their skillset.

Skills Bootcamps provide a safe place to develop new and exciting skills, all related to high-priority sectors and job roles. Our courses are designed to build on your employee’s current abilities, while shaping new ones, to allow them to take on more varied responsibilities to support their own career progression, and your business’s growth.

Each of our Skills Bootcamp courses runs on a fixed schedule with set dates and times. We will always offer the upcoming Skills Bootcamp course date when a candidate enrols, but if they cannot attend those sessions, they can enrol on a Skills Bootcamp scheduled for a later date.

Our Skills Bootcamp takes place over the course of two weeks and contains eight full-day training sessions. The course runs Monday to Thursday (approx. 9.30am to 4.30pm) and both Fridays are kept free for learners to complete any additional work. On either Friday, learners can book optional 1-to-1s with their trainer for any extra support needed.

Our course offers flexibility and can fit around work or caring responsibilities. Each participant receives a recording of each session, so the learner can still access the content if they cannot attend a session for any reason.

Your employee will have the direct support of a live trainer who will guide them through their chosen Skills Bootcamp. If your employee requires any extra support beyond the sessions, they can book an optional 1-to-1 with their trainer.

The live and online training is held with a cohort of like-minded individuals, meaning your employee will be involved in regular group discussions and receive group support.

Your employee will also have a dedicated Digital Skills Lead who will assist them with further educational resources.

Our two-week Skills Bootcamp courses are supported financially by the Government, but the Department of Education still requires employers to make a small contribution.

SMEs contribute 10% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs, which equates to £256.

Large organisations contribute 30% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs, which equates to £768.

Due to the financial support received from the Government, an employee can complete one Skills Bootcamp per Financial Year (from April – March).

Yes! We can ensure that your employees are in the same cohort, or conversely, if we have enough learners (around 14 learners) from the same business we can explore closed cohorts.

Averagely, our Skills Bootcamps support 14 learners at a time. This is the optimal group size as it ensures learners receive regular support from their trainer during the sessions but can also collaborate their ideas with one another.



We work alongside the Department for Education to provide nationwide opportunities to adults (19+) in England that are interested in improving their skillset. We offer three supercharged Skills Bootcamps: IT Support Skills Bootcamp, Digital Marketing Skills Bootcamp, and Data Skills Accelerator Bootcamp.

Our two-week, Government-supported courses combine specialist training and personal support to deliver in-demand skills. Participants do not need any previous knowledge of the respective industry; our only request is that they have a willingness to learn.

The best part? Our Skills Bootcamps are free for individual participants looking to develop their own skills, and almost entirely funded for employers who want to develop their team’s skills. SMEs are required to contribute 10% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs, and large organisations are required to contribute 30% of the overall Skills Bootcamp costs.


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Skills Bootcamps help you build important skills and achieve your career goals; whether you’re aiming to advance to an apprenticeship programme, change your career, explore a new sector, or just develop new skills.


Develop Skills

Enrolling on a Skills Bootcamp course will help you gain industry-specific knowledge and valuable technical skills. You will build your overall understanding of industry best practices and put theory into practice with hands-on projects that are guaranteed to look great on your CV.

Beyond the technical knowledge and skills you will gain, by focusing on your professional development, you will gain a range of soft and transferable skills: time management, organisation, and the ability to work online.


Career Opportunities

Our Skills Bootcamps have been co-designed with employers to build the digital skills employers really need. Whether you want to kickstart a new career, progress into a new role, or just grow your digital skills, our courses will help you gain better career opportunities and develop you professionally.

We will continue to support you after the course ends; we can provide interview tips and identify further opportunities for professional development. After your course ends, if you are interested in progressing onto an apprenticeship to develop more advanced skills, our team will connect you with relevant apprenticeship opportunities in your area.


Live Online Training

Our Skills Bootcamps are delivered in the same way as our apprenticeship training – live and online via our SMART Classroom. Providing live online training is important to us; it makes our courses more accessible and flexible, and you can ask your coach a question in real-time.

Although Skills Bootcamps can be used as a stand-alone option for professional development, as they offer the same live training as our apprenticeship programmes, they are ideal for sampling our training style and working out if an apprenticeship is the right route for you.


Network Opportunities

Skills Bootcamps offer a fantastic opportunity for those looking to develop their network. You can connect, explore, and share insights with others on a similar career journey.

Learners can develop professional relationships with their coaches and cohort via our virtual SMART Classroom. The SMART Classroom allows individuals to build up their professional contacts and connections through active learning, discussion, and collaboration with coaches and fellow students.


Grading, International Qualifications & Residency Status

We request that you have passed Maths and English at GCSE to be eligible for our Skills Bootcamps. If you currently don’t meet the minimum grades, you can study for GCSEs or Level 2 Functional Skills through your local college or other training providers.

If you studied outside of the UK, we may need to verify that your qualifications are a suitable equivalent to our minimum required grades. To do this, you’ll need to apply for a Statement of Comparability from UK ENIC, the national agency for international qualifications and skills. This generally costs around £50, and you’ll need copies of your qualifications to make an application.

Skills Bootcamps are funded via the Department of Education. Therefore, there are some restrictions on who can be funded. To be considered for a Skills Bootcamp, you must have the right to work in England and have eligible residency status.


Whether you are hoping to enter a new industry, have recently started a new role, upskilling for a current role, or are self-employed and looking to develop your skillset to support your business – our Skills Bootcamps offer expert training and personal support to aid your career aspirations.

Our Skills Bootcamps are for adults (19+) living in England with an interest in developing their skillset. To be eligible for our Skills Bootcamps, candidates must have passed their Maths & English at GCSE. If you currently don’t meet the minimum grades, you can study for GCSEs or Level 2 Functional Skills through your local college or other training providers.

Skills Bootcamps are funded via the Department of Education. Therefore, there are some restrictions on who can be funded. To be considered for a Skills Bootcamp, you must have the right to work in England and have eligible residency status.

Our Skills Bootcamps are an excellent way to advance your career; they allow you to develop the key skills we know employers are looking for. Our expert-led, two-week course provides you with a supercharged package of skills. You will develop essential hard and soft skills for your CV whilst demonstrating your commitment to your professional development.

Each Skills Bootcamp runs on a fixed schedule with set dates and times. You will be offered the upcoming Skills Bootcamp course date when you enrol, but if you cannot attend those sessions, you can enrol on a Skills Bootcamp scheduled for a later date.

Each Skills Bootcamp takes place over the course of two weeks and contains eight full-day training sessions. You will be on the course Monday to Thursday (approx. 9.30am to 4.30pm) and both Fridays are kept free for you to complete any additional work. On either Friday, you can book optional 1-to-1s with your trainer for any extra support needed.


Averagely, our Skills Bootcamps support 14 learners at a time. This is the optimal group size as it ensures learners receive regular support from their trainer during the sessions but can also collaborate their ideas with one another.

If you require any extra support, you can book optional 1-to-1s with your trainer on either Friday.

You will need:

  • Desktop computer or laptop (Mac or Windows)
  • Adobe Connect
  • Headset (if you do not have a headset, we can send you one out for free!)

If you do not have access to either a desktop computer or laptop, we suggest borrowing one from a friend, a family member, or your workplace. If you are still struggling to access a desktop computer or laptop, consider contacting local charities, libraries, or job centres.

There is no exam.

At the start and end of the Skills Bootcamp, you will be asked to complete Knowledge Checks. This is required, so we can determine your understanding and benchmark your knowledge level before and after the training. Upon completion, you will receive a signed PDF certificate to confirm you have finished the Skills Bootcamp.

Our courses are commonly identified as “pre-apprenticeship programmes” as they are a great way to prepare you for an apprenticeship programme and hit the ground running with your training.

An apprenticeship allows you to gain a recognised qualification while working full-time. If you choose to progress onto an apprenticeship programme, our team will work with you to provide personal support; we will help you begin your programme at your current workplace or connect you with one of our established employers local to your area.

Alternatively, our Skills Bootcamps can be used as stand-alone workforce development. In this case, once you have completed your course, you can begin applying your new knowledge to your role straight away.

This is dependent on external factors, so we consider this case-by-case. If this applies to you, please get in touch with the team so we can discuss this further.

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Lifetime Skills Guarantee

The Lifetime Skills Guarantee is designed to help the UK economy come back stronger after the pandemic. The government has invested £95 million (2021/2022) into this long-term commitment to ensure our country is educated and equipped to take on higher-skilled jobs and close skills gaps.

Our Skills Bootcamps are part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee. Skills Bootcamps are flexible courses (up to 16 weeks) and give people the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with a local employer. Each of our Skills Bootcamps are two weeks and contains eight full-day training sessions to help learners advance their skills.



The digital skills gap refers to the disparity between the growing demand for digital skills and the limited supply of individuals equipped with these skills. As technology continues to rapidly evolve, there is a pressing need for a workforce proficient in areas such as IT, digital marketing, and data.

The UK’s current education and training systems are struggling to keep pace with these demands, resulting in a shortage of qualified professionals, but our Professional Development Apprenticeships and Skills Bootcamps are a fantastic way to address this prevalent digital skills gap; you can develop your own digital skills or strengthen your employee’s skillset. It is more important than ever to develop and nurture digital skills, as we move further into a digitally reliant workforce.


Becoming an apprentice can be one of the most rewarding career decisions you ever make. Unlike University, apprenticeships offer earn while you learn opportunities, setting you up for success in the tech & digital sector.

Become an Apprentice


Recruiting an apprentice helps businesses build a pipeline of future tech talent, avoiding high recruitment costs and lack of candidate availability associated with the tech & digital sector.

Recruit an Apprentice


Apprenticeships aren’t just for new hires, they’re a powerful tool for CPD. Whether you’re looking to enhance your team’s performance or utilise your Apprenticeship Levy, our higher apprenticeships could be the perfect solution.

Professional Development

I didn’t have any practical experience in data analysis, so I knew I needed to develop my data skills and improve my CV. It’s not easy securing a job in this field without the relevant work experience, even for junior positions, so I knew I needed to build my knowledge before I could secure a job in the field.

Jess – Skills Bootcamp in Data

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Looking back now, there’s no question that the apprenticeship has given Katie the tools to do her job better.

It feels like the last few years have gone so fast! I say this to Katie near enough every time we catch up, but it really does feel like she’s continued to significantly improve – taking us an an organisation to the next level.

CAP – Managing a Professional Development Junior Data Analyst Apprentice

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