Assessment plans are an essential part of a Baltic apprenticeship. They are written ‘projects’ assigned by your Assessor every 6 weeks, to evidence the knowledge and skills you gain through your apprenticeship training.
Why are assessment plans part of an apprenticeship?
Assessment plans are a very important component of apprenticeships, they are used to ensure apprenticeship training is being put into practice, by providing examples of tasks and activities undertaken in the workplace. Assessment plans are specific to your job role, the duties you carry out on a day-to-day basis, and the apprenticeship programme you are enrolled onto.
Assessment plans are used to consolidate learning, providing the awarding body with an understanding of the value and impact the apprenticeship has had on you and the company you work for.
Why are assessment plans important?
An external awarding body will grade your apprenticeship once you have completed all elements of the End Point Assessment, and your assessment plans will play a massive part in your result. There are four potential grades you can achieve:
- Distinction
- Merit
- Pass
- Fail
It’s imperative that you include as much detail as possible in your assessment plans to evidence different competencies. Your result is based around how you have demonstrated the following:
- The ‘What’
- What have you shown you can do
- The ‘How’
- The way in which your work has been done
- The ‘With Whom’
- The personal and interpersonal qualities you have brought to internal and/or external relationships
The quality of your work and the effort you put into your assessment plans is paramount to achieving the best possible grade.
How many assessment plans need to be completed?
Each assessment plan is unique to the apprenticeship programme and workplace activities carried out in the particular role.
The number of assessment plans you need to complete is dependent on the apprenticeship programme you’re on. The assessment plan and deadline will be set by your Assessor, who will be on hand to explain the assessment plan in detail and answer any questions you may have.
When will assessment plans be set?
They are usually set every 6 weeks during apprenticeship reviews. This allows your Assessor to go through previous assessment plans and provide feedback, ensuring success criteria is met before setting a new one.
How will assessment plans be marked?
Assessment plans are checked by your Assessor who will mark them against success criteria. If all the criteria is not met, feedback will be provided and changes will have to be made before the assessment plan can be signed off.
At the end of your apprenticeship all assessment plans are collated to create a Summative Portfolio, this is to make sure that the projects cover the requirements of the apprenticeship standard and go towards your End Point Assessment.