How can Apprenticeships Bridge the UK's IT Skills Shortage?

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The IT sector is developing at a much faster rate than its talent pool, and for the first time since records began, job vacancies in the UK outpace unemployment. In 2022, TechUK estimated that there are 100,000 unfilled tech vacancies every month, due to the tech and IT talent pool being underqualified and lacking the critical skills needed for in-demand roles.

Before we explore any solutions to the UK’s IT skills gap, we must understand what the IT skills gap is, what it means for businesses, and why it is such a catastrophic problem for our economy. In this blog, we will answer the commonly asked questions regarding the current climate’s IT skills shortage and detail how we can collectively help to tackle it.


Over the past few years, the IT industry as a whole has experienced difficulties in getting the right mix of skills. Although a relatively small number of businesses report difficulties finding staff, many try to combat this by recruiting staff who are not quite right for the role. In most cases this makes little to no difference in productivity, and in some more extreme cases, it can even make the situation worse. Recruiting the right calibre of staff with the right training and skills is of the upmost importance in order for an IT company, an IT department, or if we are looking at this more generally – the IT sector, to grow and succeed.


The most recent Digital Economy Monitor from TechUK states that 57% of UK based IT businesses find that the current skills shortage is one of their companies biggest obstacles. Over the past year, nearly 95% of employers looking to fill tech roles have encountered a skills shortage, leading businesses to look for tech talent in other countries.


Keeping up with the change in demand can be hard but this is where continuous staff development (CPD) can help. Annual training for your staff could keep your team on top of their game, as well as making sure the latest technologies and processes are covered. For CPD, we recommend our IT Skills Bootcamp to develop your teams IT abilities and help them reach new career heights. Our comprehensive bootcamp teaches learners how to manage IT systems, configure devices, and improve network security using the latest industry best practices.

Another way to combat the IT skills gap is to offer IT Apprenticeships within your company. With state of the art training introducing the latest technologies and skills, with a minimal monetary contribution, recruiting an apprentice presents the opportunity to inject new life and expertise into your workplace, as well as combatting the IT skills shortage at the same time.

Our Level 3 IT Support apprenticeship creates expert IT Technicians with exceptional problem-solving skills. Through our live, hands-on training, apprentices learn to optimise systems, configure devices, and provide outstanding customer service.

Our Level 4 Network Engineer apprenticeship bridges the gap between network support and network management. We ensure our learners can support advanced networks and implement best industry practices to keep systems optimised for peak performance.


Baltic’s recruitment, screening, and training processes can help bridge the IT skills gap. Our dedicated recruitment team source and pre-screen all applicants prior to their interview to ensure you only see the best possible candidates for your vacancy.

Our training is delivered through a blended learning approach where the apprentice will receive on the job training and online training via our SMART Classroom. On the job training is crucial to the apprentice and any knowledge or skills you can show them will be highly beneficial to you, your company and the apprentice themselves!

Perhaps the best thing about apprentices is that they are passionate, loyal, and ready to work… Making them an ideal candidate when it comes to expanding your workforce! Together we can bridge the IT skills gap and make the IT skills shortage a thing of the past – a good thing for you, your apprentice, your business and the industry as a whole.

Don’t just take our word for it, read our Employer Success Stories to learn more!


At Baltic, we’re committed to quality, customer excellence, and making a real difference in society. We are a trusted and positive organisation partnering with employers to create Apprenticeship opportunities within the IT, tech, and digital sector and we are dedicated to driving a positive change in the way that businesses recruit and train their employees.

If you’re looking to grow your business with an apprentice, please get in touch with our friendly team or browse through our Apprenticeship programmes.

Don’t forget, you can also use our Digital Skills Bootcamps and our professional development programmes to upskill your existing team.