EPA Experiences: What's it like to do your Synoptic Project Remotely?

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If you’re coming to the end of your apprenticeship, you might be wondering how Coronavirus has affected the assessment process. Just like our workouts, birthday parties and stand-up comedy gigs, the End Point Assessment has moved online in response to social distancing needs.

The EPA is made up of four elements, the portfolio, the interview, your employer reference, and the Synoptic Project.

The Synoptic Project takes place over five days, and if you’re being assessed remotely, you’ll be asked to share your screen and keep your webcam running while you work. The invigilator will be checking on a group of apprentices who are completing their projects at the same time – so you won’t be the only one.

The first group of Baltic apprentices have already completed their remote synoptic projects, so we caught up with them to share their experiences. Tom Wilson is about to complete his Level 4 Software Developer apprenticeship, while Andras Tyichi is finishing up his Level 3 Software Development Technician programme.

How did you find completing the project remotely?

Andras: “Doing a project remotely was interesting. Having the webcam, the microphone and the screen share on constantly was a little unnerving at first, but I managed to get used to it after a day or two.”

Tom: “I found completing the assessment from my home made it more comfortable and relaxing. It allowed me to focus more and be less stressed when completing the project.

What was the process like?

Andras: “The process was pretty straightforward. Get everything set up, get on Adobe Connect and crack on. Can’t really get much simpler than that in my opinion.”

Tom: “I think overall the whole process went really well… it felt really smooth. I received a link in the email, and once I joined the room, the assessor explained everything that needed to be done.”

What advice would you give to other apprentices?

Andras: “My advice to other apprentices would be a classic: keep calm and carry on. The world will get through these dark days, and so will you.”

Tom: “My advice is to continue to prepare, and carry on doing your apprenticeship as normal, and not to worry about the remote assessment. Once you have set up the webcam and screen share you can just carry on as normal, and it will feel natural after the first couple of days.”

Useful Resources:

We’re so proud of the way that Baltic Apprentices are rising to the challenges that Coronavirus has presented in these last few months. The EPA can be a stressful time, but keep picturing the finishing line and you’ll get there!

For more information, take a look at our guides to the EPA over on the resources page, and learn how to prepare for your synoptic project on our blog.